Talk about organizational skills!

This article is wonderful.  My son with autism also works at Walmart and I could see him doing the same thing if he was told to organize the candy.  It may take many many hours but it looks fabulous.
Curt Autry NBC12's photo.

Curt Autry NBC12

SAW A GREAT POST TODAY …. from a woman who has a son who is succeeding with Autism. She posed the question, “what would happen if you hired somebody with Aspergers Syndrome?” And the answer was, “you’d get an employee who is organized, time efficient, and doesn’t stop until the task at hand has been completed.”

HONESTLY, I love this. It’s a good reminder that no two people are hardwired the same way. Different doesn’t mean disabled. If your company is hiring…‪#‎thinkaboutit‬‪#‎pleaseshare‬

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